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National History

Our Roots – “Nuestras Raices”

During the fall of 1989, the foundation of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. was commenced by collegiate women who recognized the need to form an organization that provided empowerment to women of all cultural backgrounds. The humble beginnings of Sigma Lambda Gamma were built at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa where the vision was to create a network of academic and social support for Latina women. Under the guidance of Esther Materon Arum and Mary Peterson, the vision came to fruition on April 9th, 1990, as the University of Iowa Panhellenic Council officially recognized the organization as a sorority.

History: Our President

Chapter History

In the spring semester of 2016, a group of innovative women decided to embrace

diversity by initiating the first latina-based multicultural greek letter

organization on Morgan State University’s campus.

The first meeting was held on April 12, 2016 in the Montebello complex.

Erika Rodriguez from the Zeta Gamma Chapter and Tiffany Oglesby from the

Sigma Gamma Chapter, met with nine women and created the Damas de Distinción.

Over the following months, Damas de Distinción strived to uphold their academics and

shared their diverse cultures with the MSU campus. The group worked endlessly to fulfill Sigma Lambda Gamma’s principles and prepare the application to start an associate chapter on campus. On January 20, 2018, the group at Morgan State University was awarded associate chapter status.

On April 5, 2018 with the help from the Zeta Gamma chapter, Sigma

Gamma chapter, and Sigma Epsilon chapter, nine women were initiated into the Morgan State University Associate Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Incorporated. The Founding Ship, 9 Muses: Diosas de Inspiración, included Kaysandra “Yamurinez” Rodriguez, Victoria “Aziza” Lizardo, Astrid “Lunaila” Castillo, Marisol “Belarmina” Cartagena, Torie “Atarah” Mendez, Ariana

“Xhenlari” Moore, Brenda “Athena” Alvarez, Jessica “Xylienah” Gonzalez, and Donice

“Zendiya” Sneed were iniatied to Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.

They are the FIRST and ONLY, multicultural greek organization at Morgan State University.

History: Our President
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